
The Fut ure Is Here

Here are the basic fact s: 1) The internet is a very useful tool; 2) Human activities will
eventually highly rely on the internet; 3) Only a few can highly maximize the functionality
of the internet; and 4) A lot of people are still not knowledgeable or even aware about
the use of the internet . Just to show a specific example of these ideas, here are some
real, current situations.
Just recently, a high school institution in a rural area of the Philippines have requested
some funding to buy some computer unit s to teach their student s to use the internet .
The vision of this project is to eventually conduct examinations between teachers and
student s as well as submissions of report s or any other form of writ ten materials using
the internet alone. This, they say, is one good way of supporting the environment as
well since it will help lessen the use of paper which mainly come from trees. The amount
of garbage will also decrease because 60% to 80% of the daily waste is actually
composed of paper.